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Type GL air pads shall give a large raise with a low mounting height, a low air consumption, a wide spread of applications and a high capacity with limited dimensions. They are best suited for non very frequent use.

Type S (standard) has a bearing capacity in the range 1000 to 20,000 kg with a maximum air pressure of 2 bar (200 kPa). Type HP (high pressure) has a doubled capacity with a maximum air pressure of 4 bar (400 kPa). Maximum capacity for a single GL element is 40,000 kg.

Type GL pads may be used with water, but elements need be modified from standard air supply.

Section Pad
Type Capacity Dimensions (mm) Air consump- Fitting
kg L H1 H2 A(raise) tion (Nl/1')
GL 30 S 1,000 300 10 22 18 300-600 3/8"
GL 40 S 1,500 400 12 24 20 400-700 3/8"
GL 50 S 3,250 500 12 27 25 500-800 1/2"
GL 70 S 6,000 700 22 37 32 600-1000 1/2"
GL 90 S 10,000 900 22 62 40 800-1300 3/4"
GL 125 S 20,000 1250 28 68 60 1000-1600 1"
GL 90 HP 20,000 900 22 62 45 1400-2500 3/4"
GL 125 HP 40,000 1250 28 68 65 1800-2800 1"
· Capacity will vary with floor conditions.
· Air consumption and raise are a function of floor conditions, of load and of air pressure.
· Ask for other dimensions.


PREXCO srl - Via Primo Maggio, 10 - I-46051 SAN GIORGIO BIGARELLO MN - IT01264000207 - info@prexco.it